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Dicas - PlayStation 2 - Obscure

Hard Mode - Termine o Jogo.

Special Mode/New Costumes-  Termine o Jogo.

Sum41 and Span Music Videos -  Termine o Jogo.

New weapons -  Termine o Jogo (bastão de baseball  and laser scoped handgun)

"Making of" the making of Obscure, Por traz da Cenas
Abilitavel Como abilitar
Diferente menu background Complete o jogo uma vez em qualquer nivel
Gallery 1 Complete o jogo no Hard mode
Gallery 2 Complete o jogo no Special mode
Laser Sighted Gun Complete o jogo no Normal mode
Morgenstern Bat Complete o jogo no Easy mode
Roupas Secretas Complete o jogo uma vez em qualquer nivel
SPAN "Don't think the way they do" music video Complete o jogo
Special Mode Complete o jogo uma vez no Easy mode
Sum 41 "Still Waiting" music video Complete the game

Abilitaveis Como abilitar
Galleries Complete on each difficulty setting for different galleries
Laser sighted pistol Complete on Normal and the first gun you pick up will be the laser pistol
Mace Complete on Easy for a big stick with nails in it
Morgenstern Bat Complete the game, then start a new game in special mode.
Music Videos Complete on each of the difficulty settings to unlock the music videos
New outfits For every character that survives to the end a new outfit will be unlocked for that character

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